About Me

Anna's passion resides in that very special place where the stories and images of life intersect.

Designer, blogger, author, Crafter and photographer,Anna is known for capturing everyday life with photos and words and creating scrapbooks from those moments that often pass by in an instant..

“I started scrapbooking in 2007 as a way to organize all the photographs that I have of generations of family and of me all the while  I was growing up. It has become so much more than an organizational process for me. Through the techniques of photography and personal storytelling I have discovered my voice. My hope is that by sharing the stories of my life and the methods I use to document our days, others will feel inspired and encouraged to record their own.”

Since embracing on this creative career, I have started two blogs written about scrapbooking, and currently design scrapbooking products for Two Dittle Dattle With Creativity and design for Creations Etc...

Here’s five things you should know about the the way I approaches scrapbooking:
  1. I believe that there are an infinite number of ways to tell any story: 12×12, 8.5×11, 4×6, 2×2, paper, digital, layouts, minibooks, divided page protectors, etc. There is no right or wrong way to document our memories.
  2. I have no intention of “keeping up” with my scrapbooking. I tell stories as I feel moved to tell them and don’t feel bound to chronology. Some days I’m creating a layout that tells a story from 1975  and other days I’m focused on a story from today.
  3. I believe that telling the stories of our lives can actually change our lives for the better.
  4. My daily mantra in memory keeping & in life: don’t make things more complicated than they need to be.
  5. The best way to begin scrapbooking is to simply begin. Start writing. Start photographing. Start bringing them together on your computer or with paper and glue. There is no better time than right now

For workshop scheduling ,or blog Hopping ,please email Anna.